[AnimeComics] (GDSgames)ハンナボートトリップ[ver、1.06][uncen/windowsエロゲーム]
Hanna Boat Trip [ver, 1.06] (GDSgames) [uncen windows erotic game].
EN: Description: You go for a walk on the yacht of your boss with your wife and daughter. The daughter and wife of the boss are also present on the yacht. The time between key events is limited, which means that you have to think about each action, excluding all unnecessary and unnecessary. Look for objects, talk with characters, peep, eavesdrop and eventually achieve the location of one or more women.
The game has seven different endings.
JP:説明:あなたはあなたの妻と娘と一緒にあなたの上司のヨットの上を散歩に行きます。 上司の娘と妻もヨットにいます。 キーイベントの間の時間は限られているため、不要なものと不要なものを除いて、各アクションについて考える必要があります。 オブジェクトを探し、文字と話をし、のぞき見、盗聴し、最終的には一人以上の女性の位置を達成します。
Developer / Publisher: GDSgames
Platform: PC / Windows
Treatment: Not required
Version: 1.06
Game language (plot): English
Interface language: English
System requirements (minimum): Platform: PC / Windows 256 Mb, 1 cpu
HDD ~ 700mb
Type: Windows PC Game | Author: GDSgames | 1 uncen game